How can I translate my website to other languages?
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Translating your website will help you reach your target public. This is important as it will help your world wide customers understanding your hotel, concept, services and policies.
Before starting your website translations, you will need to make sure the language you wish is available to be translated.
STEP 1: Go to the WEBSITE > TOOLS.
Please be aware of the left navigation panel, for it is here that all translations of your website content are made.
Search Engine Rank
As mentioned before, optimizing your site for a multilingual audience can reap big rewards. Translating your website can be a simple way to massively increase your audience and climb the search engine rankings.
Because of this, you must translate your keywords, as they do not work just as well in other languages. Start by translating your keywords and brainstorming similar terms.
To help you with SEO and it's translation, please check the following e-card: How can I enhance the SEO of my website
Translate Pages
Under this area, the Hotel will be able to translate the Pages of the Website.
For example, the Homepage, Rooms, Promotions, Gallery, Contact Us and Location
- How can I translate the room descriptions?
- How can I translate promotions?
- How can I translate a webpage to other languages?
Translate Gadgets
Under this area the Hotel will be able to translate all Gadgets, Widgets of the Website.
For example, Website Links, Content Blocks and Banners.
Please bear in mind that in order to translate a content block, the hotel must make sure that this widget is inserted in the translated page first, by translating the website page first, under the TRANSLATE PAGE area.
After inserting this content block on the website page itself, the hotel can now translate the content block gadget.
Translate Setup
Under this tab, the hotel will be able to translate some system settings like Booking Engine labels, Cancellation policies, Email templates, Payment Methods, Shopping Recovery, Add-ons, Meal Plans, etc.
- How can I translate my email templates?
- How can I translate my cancellation policies?
- How can I change and translate the Booking Engine labels?
Please bear in mind that if you edit the content on the base language, a red crosses will not automaticaly apperar under this area. The system does not identify that a content change occurred and that it's needs to be translated.
- All green checks means the page is translated
- The red crosses means the page isn't translated
Make sure you review all your translations before publishing changes, as the Translate link is a direct translation from Google Translator.
STEP 7: Make sure you save all the information entered by clicking on the button.
STEP 8: Publish your website, by clicking on PUBLISH ALL CHANGES.
STEP 9: Refresh your browser's cache and confirm the translations are visible.