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How can I define special rates using promotional codes?

HOME > REVENUE AREA > How can I define special rates using promotional codes?

This feature allows the Hotel to create a special rate, that only becomes visible on the booking engine to the clients who have received the promotional codes previously.

The setup of special rates is very similar to the creation of regular promotions on our system.

  • Therefore you can follow the instructions given here on how to complete the setup of this area.

Special Rates tab includes the possibility to chose if the hotel wants to open/ stop special rates individually or according to room open/ stop sales.

  • You can also OPEN & STOP SALES of Special Rates, just like you do for regular promotions. For more details on this, click here

The hotel is only able to Open/ Stop Sales of Special rates, if the setup is selected with "NO":

To review if the Open/ Stop Sales of Promotions is derived from Rooms please check the following e-card:

STEP 1:  To create a special rate, go to the REVENUE > SPECIAL RATES.

STEP 2:  On the next screen, either click on NEW PROMOTION or choose one of the shortcuts available:

  • You can define either PROMOTION CODES, CORPORATE CODES or GROUP CODES, according to the specific details you wish to use:


  • PROMOTION CODES are usually characterized for being a limited offer available to a specific audience and that's why you are given the option to define a sell limit:


  • CORPORATE CODES are meant to be used with clients with whom you have special negotiated fares. Here the focus is pricing but you can always define other conditions, such as specific meal plans


  • GROUP CODES is a good option to create special rates for specific events, allowing you to control your availability by specifying sell limits.


After activating a special rate you will now have a new field available on your booking engine.

  • Your clients will have now to click on PROMOTIONAL CODES and enter the given promotional code under the relevant area and click OK
  • Only after performing this action will the special rates become visible and available on your booking engine to the given client.