How can I Open/Stop Sales of Promotions?
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Promotion revenue includes the possibility to chose if the hotel wants to open/ stop promotions individually or according to room open/ stop sales.
- The hotel is only able to Open/ Stop Sales of Promotions, if the setup is selected with "NO":
- Opening or stopping sales on a room will not affect that room's derived promotions.
- You must Open/Stop sales on the promotion independently.
- If the setup is selected with "YES":
- You will not be able to Open/Stop sales on the promotion independently.
- Opening or stopping sales on a room will always open or stop sales on all derived promotions.
To review if the Open/ Stop Sales of Promotions is derived from Rooms please check the following e-card:
STEP 1: First you need to go to REVENUE > PROMOTIONS on the bottom left corner of the sidebar
- and select the option OPEN/STOP SALES.
STEP 2: Above the calendar area, select the promotion you wish to update from the drop down list.
STEP 3: Select the relevant dates, by clicking on the calendar or drag the mouse to select a wider period.
STEP 4: Next to the drop down list, you now need to click on OPEN SALES or STOP SALES.
STEP 5: Click on REVIEW AND PUBLISH CHANGES, to confirm the changes.
STEP 6: On the summary screen review the changes and confirm them by clicking on PUBLISH IT.
- After this you should get a calendar view with the blocked dates displayed now in red as shown below.