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How can I create add-ons?

HOME > REVENUE AREA > How can I create add-ons?

The Hotel can setup aditional services (add-ons) that will be displayed in the booking engine to the guests after the reservation is completed. This will ensure that up selling or cross-selling does not distract the guest to select and book a room at your hotel. 

STEP 1:  To create an add-on, go to the REVENUE tab and from the left navigation panel, select below the option ADD-ONS.

  • NOTE: On the left navigation menu you can filter add-ons according to it's status: ACTIVE, INACTIVE or ALL.


STEP 2:  Click on NEW.

STEP 3:  Fill the relevant information as shown in the example: 

  • Name - insert the add-on name;
  • Active - check this box to make the add-on active;
  • Price - can be "per unit" or "per night". 
  • Strikethrough Price - To highlight this is a special offer you can add the "old price" to the strikethrough price field.
  • Tax - add aditional taxes for this service only.
  • Link to add-on page - add a link to a webpage with further information on this service or insert an external link.


STEP 4:  Add an image, by clicking on ADD MEDIA.

[ For more information on how to add images, please click here ]

STEP 5:  Click on

[ For more information on how to translate the add-ons, please click here ]


  • it is possible to configure some restrictions for the add-ons as well, according to room type, sell date and active period. 

        [ For more information on how to configure add-ons restrictions, please click here ]  

How does this add-ons will appear on the booking engine, after making a reservation?

  • As an example, both vouchers and add-ons will be available to book after making a reservation;

[ In order to create vouchers, please follow the instructions described here ]

  • Add-ons are visible in the page "Aditional Services", but they are not available to book from here.
  • Add-ons (and Vouchers) will be presented after the guest has committed to the reservation in the booking engine, ensuring that up selling or cross-selling does not distract the guest from the main task at hand – selecting and booking a room at your hotel.

How many Add-ons can a client buy per Reservation?

This will depend if the Add-ons are configured as "Per Night" or "Per Unit", and the number of guests of the reservation.

  • On Add-ons per night, clients can buy as many as the number of guests of the Reservation
  • On Add-ons per unit, clients can buy per reservatio guests and number of nights. For example,on a reservation for three nights for 2 adults and 1 child, clients can buy 3 for each night of the stay 

How can a client add more units to the reservation?

After booking the reservation, it will appear the window "Select Add-ons and Extras" and clients just need to  choose the add-on and press the "+" button


  • You can order the add-ons appearance on your booking engine just by clicking on .
  • On the next screen order the position of the add-ons, by moving the arrows up and down accordingly and click on SAVE: