How to read my dashboard reports?
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The hotel can access to different reports/ analysis regarding their website, booking engine and overral revenue performance.
STEP 1: Click on the DASHBOARD
STEP 2: On the left navigation menu, you will find the following available reports:
STEP 3: There are 8 different reports:
Please review how to read the columns within the reports:
REVENUE - BookingNet + BookingTax + MealPlanPrice + Additional Fees.
- Not to forget that when the report is Per Stay Date the revenue includes only the Number of nights within the selected period and it's divided by the booking total number of nights.
AVERAGE DAILY RATE (ADR) - Revenue / (Number of rooms * Number of nights)
PROMOTIONS - Total of promotion reservations in the selected period.
AVERAGE STAY - (Number of Rooms * Number of Nights) / Number of rooms
NUMBER OF NIGHTS - Number of rooms * Number of nights
BOOKING PACE - The difference in days between check-in date and booking date (Check-in - Booking date) / number of reservations
STEP 4: You can also select if you want to check your results "Per Stay Date" or "Per Booking Date", by clicking on the relevant buttons:
- Date range will include check-in/check-out dates within the selected period on the calendar, which means that it only includes the value for the nights inside the selected period.
- For example, if a reservation has check-in date at 29 of November and check-ou at 5 of December, if the report is related to November it will only include the value for 2 nights.
- The total of the reservation is considered for the final result.
- This report does not include bookings with status: CANCELLED/ DELETED/ INQUIRY/ ACTION NEEDED.
- You can have different views according to the selection made on the calendar: MONTHLY / YEARLY.
- You can also export the report results to excel, by clicking on the relevant button at the top right corner of the report
Dashboards now have reports linked to reservations by Revenue, Room Type and Promotions.
What reports are linked?
- Revenue Menu
- Reports Revenue
- Reports Room Types
- Reports Promotions
How can I do that?
Any element of a table row is clickable. By double-clicking it it will open a modal with the reservations matching the report values.
Let’s look at the trailer
Considerer the following report from Dashboard - Revenue:
If we want to check reservations from week 28, we just double click any data from that row
The modal opens with its title referring to the filters:
Booking Filter • Frequency Filter • Row selected
In the above example: Stay Date • Weekly • 2019-28
Can I export those reservations?
Certainly, you can see the export button on the top right of the modal. Notice that the file exported will have its name according to its filters.
What about the channel?
Since All Channels is selected you will have a column for that information, both on the reservation modal as in the export made.
Does this works exactly the same for all other reports?
So so. If we go to Reports - Revenue, the filters change so will the name of the modal and the export file name.
Lets now considerer from Reports - Revenue the following example
Now lets see the some reservations:
The modal opens with its title referring to the filters:
Booking Filter • Range of Dates • Row selected
The filename on export is limited to 100 chars, so especially for reports with referrals as filter, we might not have its complete URL.
And what about reports from Promotions and Rooms, are they different?
Slightly. Let's consider another example:
First we are not able to click on a “child row”.
Then How can I check the reservations filtered?
You just need to click on the “Parent row”, all reservations will be shown, with the extra column for the filter selected. This will happen for Country and Referrer.
And what if I want to open a certain reservation? Do I have to look for it on Reservations tab?
No. You just double click it again! And you will be redirect to that reservation on view mode.