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Cancellations and Guarantees


Create flexible rate structures

Our system allows you to define custom cancellation and guarantee policies for each rate plan, providing greater flexibility in your pricing strategy.

How it works

STEP 1: Create (or edit existing policies)

Establish your desired cancellation and guarantee terms
More info: Create or edit a cancellation policy  

STEP 2: Assign policies to rate plans

Apply the created policies to specific rate plans within the Setup>Rate Plans section
More info: 
Create or edit a guarantee policy

STEP 3: Override default settings 

If no policies are assigned to a rate plan, the room-level policies will apply. To override these defaults, select the Override option for both cancellation and guarantee policies.

Dynamic Cancellation and Guarantee Policies

Our system allows for granular control over cancellation and guarantee policies on a daily basis.
This flexibility enables you to optimize your offerings based on seasonal demand and other factors.

To view or modify policies:

  1. Access the Revenue Calendar: Navigate to Revenue > Rate Plans > Channel: Guestcentric > Cancellations & Guarantees
  2. Select a Specific Date: Choose the desired date to view or edit policies
  3. Make Adjustments: Use the edit icon to modify cancellation and guarantee settings as needed

A) Guarantee

A) Cancellation

By effectively utilizing this feature, you can create tailored policies to maximize revenue and guest satisfaction.

Key Points:

- You can combine different cancellation and guarantee policies for various rate plans
- Prioritize policy creation before assigning them to rate plans
- The "Override" feature allows for customized settings within each rate plan

More information: Contact our team