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Variables and Event name codes to use in GTM

Guestcentric Google Tag Manager (GTM) integration provides 9 custom events that can be used as triggers to fire GTM tags.

The available events are described on table below. Event names are case sensitive.

For the Booking Engine conversion (booked) event, the available data is:

For other Booking engine events: selectoffer, booknowoffer, expandpromo, booknow and cancelcheckout, the available variables are:

For the bookproducts event, the available variables are:

For the cancelnow and cancelnowproducts no variables are available.


Our currently available documentation, is intended to be an initial aid to setup the basis in a quick/ essential way.

This tool is updated by Google regarding changes/ developments, consequentially our document won't include such updates and therefore it is necessary to directly consult the documentation/ support available by Google: Tag Manager Help

In order to create your Google Tag Manager Account, sign in to your Gmail Account, visit Google Tag Manager and select SIGN UP NOW.