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Set up GTM and GA4

Set up Google Tag Manager and GA4

The Customer Experience team has built a container ID with a suggestion for your Google Tag Manager setup.
This will allow you to have GTM configured and connected to Google Analytics 4, for one-to-one tracking within just 2 minutes.

1. Download "Customer Experience" container ID

Please click here and download a JSON file with the container ID. Our container ID is called "Customer Experience GTM"

2. Import the container ID to your Google Tag Manager Account

Open your GTM account and go to the "admin" area. Click on the "Import container" option and upload the "Customer Experience GTM" file.
Please notice that you can choose which tags, triggers and variables you want to import, but we suggest to import them all.

3. Replace the measurement ID with your own Google Analytics measurement ID

This container ID is configured to send data to Customer Experience GA4.
To start receiving conversion data into your GA4 account, you need to replace our "GA4 measurement ID" constant variable with yours.

Variables > Search for GA code > Replace G-93JQY1CZ3H with yours

Now you add the GA4 code into your variables list, you should update both "Booked reservation" and "GA4 Measurement ID" tags

Tags > Booked Reservation > Measurement ID > Click on the "folder +" button and search for "GA4 code"

4. Submit changes

Container is ready to be published! All changes made were saved, but you need to publish the new version of your container ID.

5. Add the container ID to GuestCentric

Copy your container ID and paste in GuestCentric setup area

Setup > Google Credentials > Tag Manager > Container ID

6. Re-pubish your Website/Booking Engine

As usual, please re-publish your website


- We use Google Analytics standard setup and best practices according to Google Analytics 4
- This e-card aims to help our customers speed up the setup process for GTM and GA4, but this is a suggestion of a potential setup
- Our team does not configure, support, or manage GA4 and GTM accounts