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How can I setup the room inventory and occupancy?

HOME > SETUP AREA > How can I setup the room inventory and occupancy?



The definition of your room inventory is crucial to avoid overbookings, because once you set the number of rooms available, the platform won't allow you to receive any additional booking.



STEP 2:  Click on NEW in order to create your room inventory and specify your room inventory, by entering the following information.

  • Example:  Villa T2 with maximum capacity for 4 adults and 2 children.
  • The first three fields (marked with a blue mark) are mandatory


  • NAME - Enter the name of the Inventory of your Rooms
  • NUMBER OF ROOMS - Enter the amount of rooms you have for this inventory
  • MAX. ADULTS - Enter the maximum of adults allowed in this inventory ( the maximum capacity of adults that the room can accommodate )
  • MAX. CHILDRENEnter the maximum of children allowed in this inventory ( the maximum capacity of children that the room can accommodate )
  • MAX PERSONS - Enter the maximum capacity allowed on the specific room type created/edited



The total amount added in this field will be a combination of adults and children, according to max settings added on the relevant fields.

E.G.: If you are creating an inventory for a T2 Apartment that allows a maximum of 4 pax, it can have several combinations:

  • 1 adult + 3 children
  • 2 adults + 2 children
  • 3 adults + 1 children
  • 4 adults

STEP 3:  Make sure you save all the information entered by clicking on the  button.


STEP 4:  Under the WEBSITE tab, click on PUBLISH CHANGES, so that all this information becomes available at your website.



In order to create pricing per occupancy, hotels define a base rate that is yielded on a daily basis (typically the double occupancy rate) and extra charges for additional adults and/or children. Therefore, this settings always have to be in accordance to the room inventory created previously.


STEP 1:  First you need to go to SETUP > HOME > ROOM TYPES.


STEP 2:  Select the room that you wish to edit and click on PRICE-PER-OCCUPANCY.

  • Example:  Villa T2 with maximum capacity for 4 adults and 2 children.


STEP 3:  On the next screen define your base occupancy and the extra charges for additional adults and/or children.

Example:  Villa T2 with maximum capacity for 4 adults and 2 children.

  • On this case, the base price defined for Villa T2 (1500€) is considering a base occupancy of 2 adults.
  • For an addtional adult (upto a maximum of 4 adults) it will be charged an extra of 75€/adult.
  • For an additional child (upto a maximum of 2 children) it will be charged an extra of 50€/child.


STEP 4:  Click on SAVE and you will get a confirmation message: 


STEP 5:  Now your room type will display the occupancy details as shown here:


From now on, when selecting this room type on your booking engine, the price displayed will be according to the selection of adults/children done below the calendar area.


STEP 6:  Under the WEBSITE tab, click on PUBLISH CHANGES, so that all this information becomes available on the website.


Price per Occupancy PER DATE

This new feature will allow the hotelier, to set different occupancy prices per date, on the REVENUE calendar.


STEP 1:  Go to the calendar on the REVENUE tab

  • Here there is a new option: Price-per-occupancy, that displays the extra Adult or Extra Child costs defined previously on Room types menu


  • If you click on the “i” icon, we can also see information about “Base Adults” and “Base Children”


STEP 2:  To edit the price-per-occupancy on specific dates, select them on the calendar and then clickn on the EDIT button.

  • A new panel will be displayed on the left navigation menu, where the property can set new bases and new prices per occupancy
  • To set dates without PPO: you must fill with 0 on all fields.

Reservations editing behavior by Hotelier on the backend

  • If the customer wants to add nights, adults or children to an existing reservation, the total of the reservation will be updated with the rates and PPO on the time of the edition. Remember that Rates and PPO may have been updated by the hotel since the day the client booked.
  • If the customer wants to remove an Adult or Child to an existing reservation, the total amount will be kept with the same value. The system will not decrease the PPO for Adult or Child.
  • If the customer wants to add a room to an existing reservation, the system will assume the same rates charged when the reservation was made.