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How can I set Google Tag Manager?

HOME > SETUP AREA >  How can I set Google Tag Manager?

Step 1: Go to Google Tag Manager and click on “create account”.

Step 2: Add Tags (Tags > New > Create and choose a name for it.)

Tags are segments of code provided by analytics, marketing, and support vendors to help you integrate their products into your website. With Google Tag Manager, you no longer need to add these tags directly to your website code. Instead, you can configure and publish tags and how they fire from within the Tag Manager user interface.

Select Tag Type:

Google Analytics: Universal Analytics”

Track type: Transaction

Tracking ID: Insert your GA Account

Note: Make sure that you have “Enable overriding settings in this tag”

Step 3: Add Variables (Variables > New > Create)

Variables in Google Tag Manager are named placeholders for values that are populated when code is run on your website. For example, the Tag Manager variable named “gc.Reservation.offer”, returns the name of the offer booked on your booking engine.

Take a look at our ecard here with all the variables you can set up on Google Tag Manager.

Step 4: Now that you have your tag and your variable you need to link them together

Click on “more settings” and on fields to set, select the data that you want to collect from the reservation. Mandatory: “Allow linker”

Step 5: Add Trigger (Triggers > New > Create)

The trigger tells the tag to fire when the specified event is detected. Every tag must have at least one trigger in order to fire.

Trigger type: Custom event 

Event name: booked 

This trigger fires on: All custom events

By doing this, you are informing GTM when to fire a certain tag. In this case, if a tag uses this trigger it will be fired in all events “booked”. Please notice this is 1 of the 9 events that our app has available (please see the GTM e-card for more events). 

Note: Bear in mind, Google Tag Manager is case sensitive so you need to write the name of the event as it shows on our ecard.

Step 6: Link your tag with the trigger to make it all work

Step 7 - Submit the latest version of the container

Now it’s time to login in on GuestCentric application and update your google credentials there:

STEP 1:  Click on SETUP and click on the icon SET GOOGLE CREDENTIALS.


STEP 2:  Make sure that on "Set Google Credentials" the "Individual Tags" don't have the Google Analytics code with the Active box ticked.

  • If it's Active and in order to use Google Tag Manager, please remove the "tic" from the Active check box and save these changes.


STEP 3:  To enable integration with Google Tag Manager click on "Tag Manager" button and enter your Container ID code.

STEP 4:  Make sure you save this information with the "Tag Manager" option selected ( in blue) and click on the  button.

STEP 5:  Under the WEBSITE tab, click on  button, so that all this information becomes available on your website. 

Pro Tip: Click here and import a container with the most used data directly on your google tag manager account and skip most of the steps above!

Follow the instructions here for how to import a container directly to your GTM accout

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure that you double check the UA code from all the tags imported! It's likely that the tag reservations will import the original UA - if that's the case replace it with yours: