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How can I add or remove offers from SPH?

The hotel can hide room types/ promotions from the Small Portuguese Hotels (SPH) website.

STEP 1: First you need to go to SETUP - Home - Meta Channels

STEP 2: Select the meta channel SPH-Meta, by double-clicking or using the button OPEN

STEP 3: Click on EDIT.

STEP 4: On the next screen, scroll down until you find the Booking Engine Offers section.

To remove from SPH booking engine you have to pick the offers from the right column and move them to the left column, using the relevant arrows available. To add an offer, you have to do the opposite.

Tip: By using the CTRL button you can do a multi-selection.

STEP 5: Click on

STEP 6: Go to the SPH booking engine and make sure all offers are displayed as expected.


- You can create new offers and add them just for SPH Meta Channel, by adding new promotions (for example) in Revenue.

- In the Revenue tab, you have in the Special Rates > Special Rates-Chain, the offers that are created by SPH. These offers can be added or hidden from your SPH booking engine and they are related to some SPH campaigns that the hotel can be part.