How to create a room type?
How to create a room type?
Room types in Rate plans model
STEP 2: NEW in order to create your room types
When you are creating a new room type, you can add the followingo information:
- NAME: Enter the name of the Inventory of your Rooms
- NUMBER OF ROOMS: Enter the amount of rooms you have for this inventory
- MAX. ADULTS: Enter the maximum of adults allowed in this inventory ( the maximum capacity of adults that the room can accommodate )
- MAX. CHILDREN: Enter the maximum of children allowed in this inventory ( the maximum capacity of children that the room can accommodate )
- MAX PERSONS: Enter the maximum capacity allowed on the specific room type created/edited
- MEAL PLAN: Enter the Meal Plan that you want you room to have by default
STEP 3: Select the Deposit and Cancellation rules aswell as the fees
- Add fees specifically for each room type
- Define your deposit and cancellation rules
STEP 4: Select the Highlights of the room to be shown at the website
STEP 5: Select images of the room and special notifications
STEP 6: Make sure you save all the information entered by clicking on the button "save"
STEP 7: Under the WEBSITE tab, click on PUBLISH CHANGES, so that all this information becomes available at your website