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How can I get the codes to insert my Booking Engine?

HOME > SETUP AREA > How can I get the codes to insert my Booking Engine?

 This e-card also answers the question:

STEP 1: First you need to go to the SETUP> External Booking Engine.


STEP 2: Click twice on the language which you want to get the code for the Booking engine insertion.


STEP 3: Scroll down until the LAYOUT AREA and click on PREVIEW.    


ATTENTION: Please note that every code is unique and will develop a different layout.






STEP 4: Copy the code into every page where you want to insert the booking gadget.

 Parameters supported by the booking engine 


How can I get my booking engine link/ URL?

You may get the url/link that will open your booking engine directly. With this link you can either send an email to a customer with your booking engine link or you can add an image on your website where you can link your booking engine url into it.

As previously set above,when you are on the External booking engine: In the LAYOUT AREA, please select the following options:

  • Layout: Link
  • Skin: Default
  • Click on PREVIEW

STEP 4: Copy the code from the pop-up box:

  • The image that will pop-up:

  • Copy the following part of the code:

code_booking engine_layout


  • Mind the signals before "https" and after "1" (in this example but it could be "US" or "ES"). The signals should not be included in the copied link.
  • Test the link before copy it to the desired image/field. In order to test it, enter it in a new tab and click to proceed. If it ends in error assure if you have copied all needed detaisl for the code.

You will then be able to sahre this link via:

  • email
  • on your facebook account
  • any page of your own website you may attach your booking engine link bellow:

  • If you insert an image:


  • If you insert the "Book Now!" button on facebook page: