GuestCentric Support PageGuestCentric Support Page




In order to meet GDPR requirements, our application have now some new features and changes to some behaviours, in order to be GDPR compliance.


Booking Engine

1. No default check for Special offers and Promotions: While making a reservation, when “Completing the Reservation” process on Booking Engine, it no longer has the default check on “Please notify me of any special offers or promotions”


2. Consent message for Terms and Conditions: This consent now includes the new data protection policy. When a guest accept the terms and conditions for the offer booked is also accepting the Privacy and Personal Data Policy.


2.1. When clicking on the warning link, a pop-up window will appear so clients can check the Terms and Conditions, as usual, however now it will also appear a default text with the Privacy and Personal Data Policy



1. GDPR Policies setup and possibility to edit the consent message: Now we have a new area, GDPR Policies on Setup - Administration - GDPR Policies where you can see the information about the GDPR. This area is editable so you can add or change any information you think is relevant for your clients and for the hotel.


In this new area, you can see the default ‘Consent title’ and the ‘Consent text’ 


After edit one or both contents and save it - a message to confirm the changes will appear


After that, you will need to re-publish the website and you will be able to see the changes on the booking engine and website.



Bear in mind that the default title and text are already translated and available for all languages on Website tab - tools - translate setup - GDPR Policies, and like with other contents of the website/booking engine, you can edit it too.


2. Anonymize Automatically: In this new feature, Guestcentric also gives the hotelier the possibility to automatically anonymize guests and contacts personal data.

Under this GDPR new area, we have a Data Retention setup. Here, hoteliers can choose to keep personal data of guests and contacts for different periods of time. By default all clients will have “Do not automatically expire”.


E.G.: A hotelier selects a data retention for 8 months

  • Being today 23rd of May 2018 - all personal data from 23rd of May 2018 until 23rd of October 2017 will be kept, older than this will be anonymized.
  • In Reservations tab - all guests with reservation with checkout “outside” the period to be kept, will be anonymized.
  • In Contacts - all visitors with contact date “outside” the period to be kept, will be anonymized except if the visitor has “Newsletter notification” as Yes.



    1. We now have a new Webpage- Privacy and Data Policy. This page has default content - the Consent text from GDPR Policies Area on Setup.

    This page has its default content translated to all languages and is by default set on the footer menu on the website.


    ATTENTION: It's absolutely necessary to republish the Website to make this page Live on the Website.


    2. Consent Message on Forms and Gadgets: We now have a consent message on all forms and gadgets - that will push the information for the 'Consent title' directly from the GDPR Policies area on Set-up.

    This consent message has an internal link, that redirect clients to the new page: Privacy and Data Policies. The Forms and Gadgets that will include this customizable consent message are:

    • Contact Form (from Contact page or added to any other)
    • Phone Form
    • Newsletter (page and gadget)
    • Shopping recovery


    Please bare in mind that, since this are website changes, in order to see this new checkbox on those forms and gadgets, it is absolutely necessary to publish the website


    Reservations and contacts

    1. Anonymize on demand: This new feature will allow the hotelier to anonymize on demand a certain guest or contact.


      • Only Guestcentric users with Administrator role are allow to anonymize;
      • Guests can be anonymize if reservation check-out date is the same as today's date or previous.

    When clicking on the “Anonymize guest” button, it will appear warning message, confirming that I really want to do so

    After confirming this action, all Personal data of the guest will be replace by ---


    As stated on the warning message, when anonymizing this action will only affect guest reservations or contacts. This means that if the guest anonymized had also contacted the hotel via contact form, for example, or accepted while making the reservation to received Special Offers and Promotions, his information was kept on Contacts. Therefore, hoteliers will need to check on the Tab "contacts" if the client has his contact saved for, for example, the newsletter subscription, and ask client if even though, they still want to receive their newsletter ad anonymize the contact or not also on the Contacts Tab


    2. Anonymized Export (.xls): On the Guestcentric application, hoteliers are able to export data to an Excel Document.

    From now on, onall areas that have personal data - Like Reservations and Contacts - hoteliers won't be able to export personal data from guests or contacts.

    As it is happening on the anonymize tool, this export will have the guest name, address, email and phone anonymized and replaced by first letter of the field followed by ***.


    2.1. Export from Contacts: In this area not all contacts will be anonymized. If the guest has subscribed Newsletter, the “notify” field on export will be Yes and they won't be anonymized since they have requested to receive communications from the hotel (Newsletter)