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How can I enable my guests to either Edit or Cancel a reservation?

HOME > SETUP AREA > How can I enable my guests to either Edit or Cancel a reservation?

Premium clients can now enable their guests to the possibility of either Edit or Cancel a reservation.

This new feature can be featured in the hotel email templates within the Hotel Messenger feature, or not.

  • By default this configuration in set with "No".

In order to enable this setting, please follow the steps below:

STEP 1:  Please access your Setup area and select the External Booking Engine icon:

STEP 2:  Click on the Configure Filters button:

A pop up modal will be displayed to select if the hotel:

  • will enable their guests to the possibility of either Edit or Cancel a reservation and
  • will have this new feature along with the Hotel Messenger or not

[ For more details about all the other booking engine filters and how to configure them, please click here ]

[ For more details about how to use the Hotel Messenger, please click here ]

STEP 3:  Select if you would like to have this configuration enabled or not, and if you would like to have the Messenger active or not:

With this setting, the email templates footer will look slightly different. Notice the "Edit Reservation":

  • If the Hotel Messenger is enabled (Please bear in mind that the website will need to be re-published):

  • If the Hotel Messenger is disabled:

The guest will be able to edit or cancel any reservation?

No. The guests can only edit/ cancel reservations that are still in the cancellation period.

This means that, for example:

  • If the guest books a room that has a 48 hours Cancellation Rule, he will only be able to edit/ cancel it 48 hours before the check-in date.
  • If a Cancellation Policy has more than 1 Cancellation Rule, the system will always aply the wider period
  • Non-Refundable offers cannot be edited/ canceled.

[ For more details about the Cancellation and Guarantee Policies, please click here ]

And how will the guests be able to edit/ cancel a reservation?

Guests will only need to click in "Edit Reservation" or "Chat now", and they will be redirect to the Hotel Messenger area.

This Hotel Messenger area includes now the following tabs:

  • Messenger: To chat with the hotel staff
  • Profile: Includes the guest personal information (which is a view mode - not an editable area, from here)
  • Reservation: Enables the guest to edit or cancel the reservation.

How can the guest edit/ cancel their reservation?

After clicking on "Edit Reservation", the guests will be redirected to the Hotel Messenger area.

The guests will only be able to edit their reservation according with the hotel availability:

  • i.e.: restricions, open/closed dates, fully booked days, room capacity, meal plans available.

  • The guest can change one or several things at once (all the options that show a pencil)
  • As he is editing, the top right corner reflects original amount Vs the amount with the changes made:

  • After editing all areas needed, a new window will appear to accept the Terms and Conditions, and confirm the Update of their Reservation:

What happens if the guest edits his reservation?

The hotel will receive an email with the reservation number and its changes:

The guest will also receive an email with the changes:

  • This is a new email template: "Reservation - Edit Confirmation". Which can be found in Setup > Email Templates.

[ For more details about the Email Templates and its translation, please click here ]

How will this edited reservation appear on the Reservations tab?

Reservations edited by guests will have a new status: "Edited by Guest":

How will a canceled reservation appear on the Reservations tab?

Reservations canceled by guests will have a new status: "Canceled by Guest":