NEW Reservations Area
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Over the last 15 years Guestcentric heard our custommers and now we are pleased to launch and present a totally refurbished reservation area!
This new area was designed not only according to the hoteliers feedback we received throughout the years, but also to our own development team investigation.
We studied our platform history regarding usability patterns in an effort to simplify the processes for the hoteliers and make it a more pleasant experience.
Our focus was in these 3 main areas:
1 - Reservation Handling
2 - Reservation Filters
3 - Reservation Information
Faster Reservation Handling
For starters we decreased a lot the amount of loading time. You know why?
We rebuilt the entire backend infrastructure and improved cache loading to make your life easier. So now you will get your information faster, no matter whether you have a huge list of reservations to handle.
- The free text search field is now much stronger and will now allow you to search by OTA or PMS Reservation ID or even by reservation notes.
- Frequent tasks are now more at hand...
By clicking in one of these 3 icons, you will be able to:
- View/Edit Reservation details on a Preview Pane
- Check credit card details in one single click.
Now you can even select multiple reservations, so you can make bulk updates (Mark as Read...)
Smarter Reservation Filters
Previously we had static filters on the left pane side, now we have dynamic filters that will allow us to be much more flexible and give you much more options.
The filters will become available according to the dates selection on the calendar, to make sure we only display the information that really matters for the specific period (for instance regarding rateplans, campaign codes & channels).
It will only appear if & only the ones that actually have reservations on that specific period.
Real-Time Reservation Information Widgets
Now we have a whole new area on the left side pane that will provide instant information to hoteliers regarding their performance.
On this area you will not only be able to get a glimpse of how your hotel is doing, but also be able to perform specific tasks to help improve your status, such as:
- OVERBOOKINGS: Our system will alert you in case we detect reservations with availability problems.
- TOP RESERVATION: You will be redirected to the highest reservation for the selected period.
- TOP CHECK-IN DAY: Here you will be able to see the balance of your check-in days and our platform will redirect the user to the Promotions tab, as a suggestion to change your rateplan model, for instance by applying a promotion for specific weekdays.
- B.COM COMMISISIONS: Based on the number of channel reservations received for a specific period, you can see how much commission you will have to pay to the OTA. By clicking here you will be able to see how you can save money by keeping some rooms for direct reservations.
- PMS FAILURES: In just one glance you will be able to see a full list of PMS failed reservations, where you can select 1 or all at once and re-send them again.